Getting Started

The SPyCCI package can be installed by first downloading the repository from our GitHub page and then installing via pip.


We always recommend installing new Python packages in a clean Conda environment and avoid installing in the system Python distribution or in the base Conda environment! If you are unfamiliar with Conda, please refer to their documentation for a guide on how to set up environments.

git clone
pip install .

The library can be imported in a Python script via the following syntax:

import spycci

Alternatively, individual submodules, classes, and functions can be imported separately:

from spycci import systems
from spycci.engines import dftbplus
from spycci.wrappers.packmol import packmol_cube

For a more detailed explanation of the available features in each submodule, please refer to their specific page in this User Guide.

My first calculation


Let us go through the very basics of using the library. We are going to carry out a geometry optimisation on a water molecule. At the very least, you will need the geometrical structure of the system you want to study, in the form of a .xyz file. You can obtain it from available databases, or you can draw the structures yourself in programs such as Avogadro.

Below is the file, containing the structure of the water molecule, which we will use in these examples:


O   0.000  -0.736   0.000  
H   1.442   0.368   0.000  
H  -1.442   0.368   0.000  

If you open the file in a molecular visualization software, you will notice the structure is distorted from the typical equilibrium geometry. We can then optimise the structure by utilising one of the wrappers implemented in SPyCCI. We will use xTB in this example, due to its balance between accuracy and speed. The library needs the program to already be installed (preferably via conda) and ready to go.

Importing the library

Before starting, we need to create a Python script and import the necessary classes from the library. We need the System class to store the information about our water molecule, and the XtbInput class to define the simulation setup (Hamiltonian, parameters, solvation, etc.):

from import System
from spycci import XtbInput  # Engines can also be imported directly from spycci 

Creating the System object

After importing the necessary modules, we can create our molecule, by indicating the (relative, or complete) path where the .xyz file is located:

water = System("example_files/")

Creating a XtbInput object

We can now set up a engine object using an instance of XtbInput. Most of these engines come with sensible default options for calculations on small organic molecules in vacuum. To see all the available options, please refer to the engine section of the API documentation.

xtb = XtbInput()

Carrying out the calculation

We can now carry out the calculation. We want to do a geometry optimization on our water molecule, and we want the original information for the molecule to be updated after the calculation (inplace flag). The syntax for this calculation is as follows:

xtb.opt(water, inplace=True)

Printing the results

If you want to see the data currently stored in our System object, simply ask for it to be printed to screen:

SYSTEM: water

Number of atoms: 3
Charge: 0
Spin multiplicity: 1

********************** GEOMETRY *************************

Total system mass: 18.0153 amu

 index  atom    x (Å)      y (Å)      z (Å)   
 0       O     0.03595    2.78898    0.00000  
 1       H     1.00595    2.78898    0.00000  
 2       H    -0.28738    2.19789    0.69783  

********************** PROPERTIES *************************

Geometry level of theory: None
Electronic level of theory: None
Vibronic level of theory: None

Electronic energy: None Eh
Vibronic energy: None Eh
Helmholtz free energy: None Eh
Gibbs free energy: None Eh
pKa: None

Et voilà! You have successfully carried out a geometry optimization for the water molecule using the SPyCCI library!

Basic molecule visualization

The SPyCCI library also offers simple tools to visualize the structure of the molecules encoded by a System object. As an example, the distorted structure of the input molecule, loaded into the water object, can be visualized using the built in mogli interface using the commands:

from import MogliViewer

viewer = MogliViewer(water)

The output image, freely capable of rotating, will look something like this:
