spycci.engines.dftbplus sub-module

DFTBInput class

class spycci.engines.dftbplus.DFTBInput(method='DFTB', parameters='3ob/3ob-3-1', solver=None, thirdorder=True, dispersion=False, fermi=False, fermi_temp=300.0, parallel='mpi', verbose=True, DFTBPATH=None, DFTBPARAMDIR=None)

Interface for running DFTB+ calculations

  • method (str) – level of theory, by default “DFTB”. “xTB” also supported.

  • parameters (str) – parameters to be used for the DFTB Hamiltonian (by default 3ob)

  • solver (str) – LAPACK eigensolver method (check manual for available options)

  • thirdorder (bool) – activates the 3rd order terms in the DFTB Hamiltonian

  • dispersion (bool) – activates D3 dispersion corrections (off by default)

  • fermi (bool) – Fills the single particle levels according to a Fermi distribution (off by default).

  • fermi_temp (float) – Electronic temperature in Kelvin units. Note, this is ignored for thermostated simulations. By default, 300 K.

  • parallel (str) – selects either openmpi-parallel version (mpi) or shared memory version (nompi)

  • verbose (bool) – if set to True, saves the full DFTB+ output, otherwise, only the smaller files

  • DFTBPATH (str) – the path to the dftb+ executable. If set to None (default) the dftb+ executable will be loaded automatically.

  • DFTBPARAMDIR (str) – the path to the DFTBPLUS_PARAM_DIR environment variable, where the Slater-Koster files are located


level of theory, by default “DFTB”. “xTB” also supported.




parameters to be used for the DFTB Hamiltonian (by default 3ob)




LAPACK eigensolver method (check manual for available options)




activates D3 dispersion corrections (off by default)




selects either openmpi-parallel version (mpi) or shared memory version (nompi)




if set to True, saves the full DFTB+ output, otherwise, only the smaller files



md_nvt(mol, steps, timestep=1.0, temperature=298.0, mdrestartfreq=100, box_side=None, ncores=None, maxcore=None, inplace=False, remove_tdir=True, compress_traj=True)

Molecular Dynamics simulation in the Canonical Ensemble (NVT).

  • mol (System object) – Input molecule to use in the calculation.

  • steps (int) – Total steps of the simulation

  • timestep (float, optional) – Time step (in fs) for the simulation.

  • temperature (float, optional) – Temperature (in Kelvin) of the simulation

  • mdrestartfreq (int, optional) – MD information is printed to md.out every mdrestartfreq steps, by default 100

  • box_side (float, optional) – for periodic systems, defines the length (in Å) of the box side

  • ncores (int, optional) – number of cores, by default all available cores

  • maxcore (dummy variable) – dummy variable used for compatibility with Orca calculations

  • inplace (bool, optional) – updates info for the input molecule instead of outputting a new molecule object, by default False

  • remove_tdir (bool, optional) – Temporary work directory will be removed, by default True

  • compress_traj (bool, optional) – if True, parses the geo.end and md.out files into a single, smaller file, which is then zipped in an archive.


Ensemble containing the NVT MD trajectory data

Return type:


opt(mol, latticeopt=False, ncores=None, maxcore=None, inplace=False, remove_tdir=True)

Geometry optimization.

  • mol (System object) – Input molecule to use in the calculation.

  • latticeopt (bool, optional) – If True, also optimize PBC conditions. By default, False

  • ncores (int, optional) – number of cores, by default all available cores

  • maxcore (dummy variable) – dummy variable used for compatibility with Orca calculations

  • inplace (bool, optional) – updates info for the input molecule instead of outputting a new molecule object, by default False

  • remove_tdir (bool, optional) – Temporary work directory will be removed, by default True


newmol – Output molecule containing the new energies.

Return type:

System object


The function will parse a DFTB+ output file automatically looking for all the relevant numerical properties derived form a calculation. All the properties of the given molecule will be set or updated.


mol (System) – The System to which the properties must be written to.


RuntimeError – Exception raised if the given path to the output file is not valid.

Return type:


simulated_annealing(mol, start_temp=1.0, target_temp=2000.0, ramp_steps=500, hold_steps=1000, timestep=1.0, mdrestartfreq=100, box_side=None, ncores=None, maxcore=None, inplace=False, remove_tdir=True, compress_traj=True)

Molecular Dynamics simulated annealing simulation in the Canonical Ensemble (NVT)

  • mol (System object) – Input molecule to use in the calculation.

  • start_temp (float, optional) – Starting temperature (default, 1K)

  • target_temp (float, optional) – Maximum temperature reached during the simulation (default, 2000K)

  • ramp_steps (int, optional) – Number of MD steps for the heating/cooling ramps (default, 500 steps)

  • hold_steps (int, optional) – Number of MD steps held at target_temp (default, 1000 steps)

  • timestep (float, optional) – Time step (in fs) for the simulation.

  • mdrestartfreq (int, optional) – MD information is printed to md.out every mdrestartfreq steps, by default 100

  • box_side (float, optional) – for periodic systems, defines the length (in Å) of the box side

  • ncores (int, optional) – number of cores, by default all available cores

  • maxcore (dummy variable) – dummy variable used for compatibility with Orca calculations

  • inplace (bool, optional) – updates info for the input molecule instead of outputting a new molecule object, by default False

  • remove_tdir (bool, optional) – Temporary work directory will be removed, by default True

  • compress_traj (bool, optional) – if True, parses the geo.end and md.out files into a single, smaller file.


System obtained at the end of the simulated annealing

Return type:


spe(mol, ncores=None, maxcore=None, inplace=False, remove_tdir=True)

Single point energy calculation.

  • mol (System object) – Input molecule to use in the calculation.

  • ncores (int, optional) – number of cores, by default all available cores

  • maxcore (dummy variable) – dummy variable used for compatibility with Orca calculations

  • inplace (bool, optional) – updates info for the input molecule instead of outputting a new molecule object, by default False

  • remove_tdir (bool, optional) – Temporary work directory will be removed, by default True


newmol – Output molecule containing the new energies.

Return type:

System object